Wants and Needs Difference - 50/30/20 Rule

The difference between wants and needs is crucial when it comes to handling your savings. Learn Wants and Needs Difference in your Financial Decisions.

We need two things to make our life happy. First, to fulfill all our needs, and second, to convert our desires into happiness. 

What do we need in this case? We need money. Earning money is as easy as saving it is difficult. That's why, we will start saving from today by understanding the difference between Needs and Wants.
But wait, it is necessary to know about it completely before using this calculator. Because it divides your budget or monthly salary into three parts, first Needs, Savings, and third Wants.
Image depicting the difference between wants and needs, illustrating essential items versus non-essential desires in a balanced scale.
Wants and Needs Difference

Savings mean the future, that is, what we save today will come in handy for us tomorrow. This makes us feel rich. Let's understand the difference between Needs and Wants now.
Our salary savings calculator breaks down your budget into three parts following the 50-30-20 rule.
The easiest and best example for saving money is our Alhasiba website. Here is the available Salary Savings Advisor calculator.

1. Needs

Needs means things like food, water, shelter, clothing, family expenses, medicine, children's school fees, etc. 

Image showcasing essential necessities for daily living, including food, water, shelter, and clothing.
Daily Life Needs

All the necessities of our home are required daily in our life Without which our and our family's life cannot run are called needs. 

Our budget advisor allocates 50% of your total budget specifically for our needs. which is very very important in our daily life.

Example of Needs

Needs are things that are necessary for survival and well-being. These can be broken down into various categories:

1. Physiological Needs: These are the most basic needs that we must fulfill to stay alive. They have things like food, water, air, sleep, and shelter.

2. Safety and Security Needs: Once our physiological needs are met, we start to concentrate on feeling secure and safe. This includes things like physical safety, financial security, and emotional security.

3. Social Needs: Humans are social beasts and have a need to belong and connect with others. This includes things like love, friendship, closeness, and acceptance.

4. Esteem needs: We all need to feel good about ourselves and have a sense of self-worth. This includes things like achievement, recognition, and status.

5. Self-actualization Needs: This is the highest level of Maslow's hierarchy and refers to our need to reach our full potential and become our best understanding.

2. Wants

In our lives, countless desires inspire us to move forward, but they are not all necessary. Every person has different preferences and desires. 

Image illustrating non-essential desires and luxuries, such as gadgets, fashion items, and travel experiences.
Non-essential Desires and Luxuries

Some of our desires are such that we can live without them, and some are such that not fulfilling them makes us dissatisfied, but there is no loss. 

As an example of Wants, such as new gadgets, fancy clothes, restaurant meals, and vacations, these desires are excellent examples.

Example of Wants

Wants are things that we desire but are not necessary for survival. They are often impacted by our culture, personal preferences, and marketing. Here are some examples:
  • The latest smartphone
  • Designer clothes
  • A fancy car
  • A vacation to a particular destination
  • A specific brand of shoes
While needs are essential for our survival and well-being, wants are more about desires and preferences.

It is important to be able to differentiate between our needs and wants so that we can make smart decisions about how to spend our money and resources.

The Scenario of Needs and Wants

Let us think of our needs as the foundation of our home. To live a safe and comfortable life, we need a strong foundation. 

Similarly, our desires are like furniture and decorations that make our home stylish and personal. We can still live in a house without fancy furniture.

The important thing is that we should understand the difference between our needs and wants and make decisions thoughtfully, especially when it comes to budgeting. 

Prioritizing needs ensures that your basic needs are met, while resources can be allocated to fulfill desires when available.

FAQs: Wants and Needs Difference

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Needs and Wants:

1. What are 5 needs and wants?

The 5 Needs and Wants are:

Needs: Food, water, shelter, clothing, healthcare.
Wants: Entertainment, Mobile Phone, Laptop, gadgets, fancy clothing.

2. What is the difference between needs and desires?

Needs are necessary for survival and include things like food, water, and shelter. In contrast, desires are not essential for survival but add comfort or pleasure to life, such as luxury items or travel.

3. What is the difference between needs and wants in Maslow?

the difference between needs and wants in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, needs are categorized as physiological and safety needs while wants refer to higher-level desires such as belongingness, esteem, and self-fulfillment.

4. What is the difference between need and necessity?

The difference between need and necessity is often used interchangeably to refer to something essential or required. 

However, "need" typically refers to a requirement or desire, whereas "necessity" often suggests something indispensable or inevitable for a particular purpose.


In wrapping up our exploration of the wants and needs difference, it is clear that determining between the two is pivotal for leading a balanced and fulfilling life. 

In conclusion, understanding the disparity between wants and needs is pivotal for achieving financial prudence and personal contentment. 

By determining our basic needs from our wants, we empower ourselves to make smarter spending decisions, ensuring that our resources are allocated wisely. 

Assuming this awareness not only boosts financial stability but also fosters a more fulfilling life journey. 

Let's prioritize our needs while indulging in our wants sensibly, thus paving the way for a balanced and satisfying existence.

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